


 She scanned the room to see if any of her old friends had tagged along with their parents。

 Last she’d heard; Nate was attending Brown and shacking up with Jenny Humphrey。

 She saw Serena on campus often enough; usually talking on her cell or walking quickly across the quad; latte in hand。

 She’d never said hello。

 She’d almost gotten to the point where Serena could be anyone on campus—like Emily; an annoying red…haired girl in Blair’s Shakespeare class who read each line as if she were a member of the Royal National Theater。

 Serena was just a vaguely familiar; vaguely annoying face who had nothing to do with Blair’s real life。

“Blair; darling!

 Over here!”

 Her mother’s unmistakable voice floated over the string quartet playing holiday music in the corner。

 At the entryway; Eleanor Waldorf waved frantically; her Cartier tennis bracelets jangling on her wrist。

 She wore a silver; cleavage…baring dress that might have been acceptable for a party at a producer’s house in the Hollywood Hills but was pletely inappropriate for New York; even if it was on the Upper West Side。

 “Look who’s here;”

 Eleanor crowed。

 Blair’s eyes flicked to her mother’s side and landed on Serena。

Serena; wearing a tight red Catherine Malandrino dress; squeezed Eleanor around the waist as if they were long…lost bosom buddies。

 Her hair was impossibly long and shiny; her skin glowing and tanned; as if she’d just returned from a sun…drenched Maldives vacation。

Blair set her mouth in a firm line and marched over to them。

“My two favorite girls!”

 Eleanor said fondly; pathetically unaware anything was amiss between them。

 “I was just telling Serena how terrific it is that you two have had each other all these years。

 I felt good moving to California knowing Serena was in New York for you to e home to。”

 Eleanor rested her hand on Blair’s shoulder。

Blair hadn’t told her mom she and Serena hadn’t even spoken this past year; how every time they saw each other they managed to have an enormous fight; how Serena was like some bloodsucking leech; desperate to take everything of Blair’s and literally ruin her life。

“I feel the same way; Eleanor;”

 Serena said sweetly; knowing it was what Blair’s mom wanted to hear。

 “I like knowing Blair’s at Yale; even though I hardly see her。

 She’s so busy with pre…law and everything。”

 In truth; she didn’t know if Blair even was a political science major with a concentration in pre…law anymore。

 She sometimes saw Blair around campus; striding across the lawn with a group of girls or her advisor。

 Blair always looked so confident and capable and in control; like a picture torn out of a Yale catalog。

Meanwhile; Yale still felt like a holding place for Serena。

 While she knew a lot of people; she hadn’t made any real friends; especially since she spent every weekend with Dan in the city。

 It felt like she spent Monday through Thursday waiting for the weekends and her real life to begin。

“What are you majoring in; dear?’ Eleanor asked; plucking a mini quiche off a passing tray。

 “Do you have any idea what you’ll be doing after college?”

“I don’t know。

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